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Episode 230: How Does NASA Keep its Missions Safe?

Solve It! for Kids
The science podcast for curious &
creative kids and their families.
Peek into the world of real-life scientists, engineers, and experts as they solve problems in their every day jobs. Kids and families are then invited to take on a challenge and solve a problem themselves! Join Jennifer and Jeff as they ask questions, solve problems, and offer challenges that take curiosity and creativity to a whole new level.
Behind The Mic

Jennifer Swanson
Jennifer Swanson’s motto is: Science Rocks! A STEM enthusiast, Swanson encourages kids of all ages to engage their curiosity and discover the science all around them. An accomplished speaker, she has presented at National Science Teachers Association conferences, the World Science Festival, the Highlights Foundation, the Atlanta Science Festival, and the Library of Congress’ National Book Festival. Her over 40 published nonfiction books for children and have received many accolades including the Parents’ Choice Gold Award, National Science Teachers Assn. (NSTA) BEST STEM awards, the Green Earth Book Honor Award, a Florida Book Award, and multiple California Reading Association awards, among many others.

Jeff Gonyea
Solve It! co-host Jeff Gonyea first started working in a Planetarium at the New England Science Center, now the EcoTarium, while in high school in Worcester, Massachusetts – Jeff has both loved space and science and loved teaching about space and science – which can now be encompassed by saying Jeff is a Space & STEM enthusiast!

Jed (Jedlie) Doherty
Solve It! podcast co-creator and co-host Jed Doherty is the executive producer and host of the Reading With your Kids Podcast, nominated for the iHeartRadio Best Kids and Family Podcast Award and has long been a supporter of books and reading, kids books and kids reading. Solve It! For Kids’ first three episodes began May 19th on the Reading With Your Kids Podcast which has a following of over 50,000 listeners, has been downloaded to every continent on the planet, and published over 700 episodes.
Episode 231: What is a Bowmouth Guitarfish?
Meet the Expert: Jen Hazeres, Senior Biologist at the Newport Aquarium Jen Hazeres is a senior biologist at the Newport Aquarium. Jen manages the Surrounded by Sharks exhibit at the aquarium which houses 1.2 Bowmouth guitarfish as well as several other species of elasmobranchs. Since being introduced to bowmouth in...