Meet the Expert: Sue-Anne Webster
Sue-Anne Webster is an internationally acclaimed magician, and ASTOUNDING! Sue-Anne’s work in magic led to her being profiled in the world dictionary of magic ~ Dictionnaire de la Prestidigitation, alongside Houdini, Copperfield and Orson Welles. Sue-Anne and her magic are the inspiration for the character of the magician Phyllis Wong in the Phyllis Wong Time Detective mysteries.
You can find more about Sue-Anne at her website:
Watch Sue-Anne performing this trick
We want YOU to try to cut a person in half… safely. Follow the instructions provided by Sue-Anne Below
Then take a picture of the trick — you can send 1 or 2, and with your parent’s permission, post it on Twitter or Instagram @kidssolve
OR email it to us at and you will be entered in our monthly book giveaway.
If you submit the challenge OR leave a comment below about the episode, you will be entered to win a FREE book!
Learn More about Magic for Kids Here
Watch more videos of Sue-Anne performing magic Here
Watch Sue-Anne as Jeannie (from the I Dream of Jeannie TV show)
Fun Magic tricks you can perform virtually (from the Wall Street Journal)
Science Tricks for Kids (by Science Sparks)
May- June 2020 Book Giveaway
Astronaut- Aquanaut: How Space Science and Sea Science Interact by Jennifer Swanson (NGKids)
Journey from the deepest trenches in the oceans to the farthest humans have ventured into space and learn what it takes to explore the extremes. You might just be surprised by how similar the domains of ASTRONAUTS and AQUANAUTS really are. Dr. Helmuth and Fabien Cousteau are featured experts in this book.
For Further Reading
The Phyllis Wong Mysteries by Geoffrey McSkimming
Astounding!: Quick Slick Magic Tricks by Sue-Ann Webster
Abracadabra!: Fun Magic Tricks for Kids – 30 tricks to make and perform by Kristin and Ken Kelly (Sky Pony)
Big Magic for Little Hands: 25 Astounding Illusions for Young Magicians by Joshua Jay (Workman Publishing)
Magic Tricks with Coins, Cards, and Everyday Objects by Jake Banfield (QEB Publishing)