CERN accelerator

Episode 20: What is Antimatter and Why Does it Matter to Us?

Meet the Expert: Dr.  Chloé Malbrunot, particle physicist Dr. Malbrunot is  a physicist working at CERN which is the largest international physics laboratory in the world. It hosts the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful machine accelerating protons to the highest energies humankind ever achieved. She works on the low energy side on the laboratory.… Continue Reading Episode 20: What is Antimatter and Why Does it Matter to Us?

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Episode 20: What is Antimatter and Why Does it Matter to Us?

  Challenge: Go out and look at everyday things, think about the physics and how you encounter anti-matter in your daily life. Draw a picture or make a list of things you find. With your parents permission, send us your picture via email at OR tag us on our Twitter or Instagram account @kidssolve… Continue Reading Episode 20: What is Antimatter and Why Does it Matter to Us?

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Episode 10: How Do You Measure Particles That Can’t Be Seen?

Meet the Expert:   Gene Van Buren Gene Van Buren, PhD,  is a nuclear physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). After moving around from the Philippines, to the U.S. Midwest, to its South, he found an interest in math as an overarching language in physics and computers. He pursued engineering and physics degrees at Washington University… Continue Reading Episode 10: How Do You Measure Particles That Can’t Be Seen?

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