
Episode 38: How Do You Make a Mask that Works?

Super Mask Evaluator Challenge 1. Does it completely COVER their nose, mouth, and rest on the chin on the bottom? (i.e., does it come up to at least the middle part of the bridge of the nose; is it sagging and not touching the bottom of the chin?) 2. Do the ear loops fit COMFORTABLY… Continue Reading Episode 38: How Do You Make a Mask that Works?

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Episode 38: How Do You Make a Mask That Works?

Meet the Expert:  Dr. Pamela, McCauley, industrial engineer and Associate Dean at North Carolina State University. Dr. Pamela McCauley is an internationally recognized Industrial Engineering researcher, STEM advocate, university leader, seasoned entrepreneur, innovator and experienced federal Program Director. As an Industrial Engineering researcher, she is known for accomplishments in the development of fuzzy set theory… Continue Reading Episode 38: How Do You Make a Mask That Works?

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