Meet the Expert: Steve Creech, Executive Director and CEO of the Wyland Foundation
Since 2008, Steve has served as executive director and President for the Wyland Foundation. He is the co-author of “Hold Your Water: 68 Things You Need to Know to Keep Our Planet Blue,” a fresh look at the importance of water in our communities and throughout the world. A former environmental newspaper reporter and advertising executive, Steve has overseen the strategic growth of the Wyland Foundation through partnerships and alliances, ranging from the U.S EPA, US Forest Service, and White House Council on Environmental Quality, to media relationships with CBS2/KCAL in Southern California, American Public Television and Discovery Channel’s Animal Planet Network. He is the project architect for the Wyland Foundation’s signature programs, including the national mayor’s challenge for water conservation and the Wyland Clean Water Mobile learning center, and has overseen international art projects on behalf of Wyland for the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing and the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. He is currently working on efforts through the foundation to engage tomorrow and today’s leaders to create water resilient communities.

Bring People Together for
Clean Water and a Healthy Ocean
The Wyland Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the world’s ocean, waterways, and marine life. The foundation encourages environmental awareness through education programs, public arts projects, and community events.
LEARN MORE HERE: And check out their Art Contests for Kids, Earth Month Heroes, and awesome Teacher Resources!!
You can even get involved in an ocean cleanup effort, just like Steve did!
Trace the water that comes from your house all the way to the ocean. You can use the internet, look at maps, or just look outside (if you live near the ocean). You might be surprised how far that water travels.
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Highlighted book for this episode!
Hold Your Water: 68 Things You Need to Know to Keep Our Planet Blue by Wyland (Author), Steve Creech (Author), The Wyland Foundation (Author)
Book List:
Footprints Across the Planet by Jennifer Swanson (Reycraft Books)
Astronaut-Aquanaut: How Space Science and Sea Science Interact by Jennifer Swanson (NGKids)
Ocean: A Visual Encyclopedia by Doring Kindersly Books
Ocean Animals: Who’s Who in the Deep Blue by Johanna Rizzo (NGKids Books)