
Episode 8: Challenge– How Do you Use Technology to Help Conserve the Planet?

  CHALLENGE: Connect with Nature! Download the iNaturalist app and use it in your backyard. Draw a picture of one or two plants or trees you see. With your parents permission, send it to us via email at OR tag us on our Twitter or Instagram account @kidssolve If you send in your challenge… Continue Reading Episode 8: Challenge– How Do you Use Technology to Help Conserve the Planet?

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Episode 7: How Do You Build an Underwater “Spaceship”?

Meet the Expert: Fabien Cousteau   Aquanaut, Oceanographic Explorer, Environmental Advocate and Founder of Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center. As the first grandson of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fabien spent his early years aboard his famous grandfather’s ships, Calypso and Alcyone; and learning how to scuba dive on his fourth birthday. In the following years, and as… Continue Reading Episode 7: How Do You Build an Underwater “Spaceship”?

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Episode Challenge 7– What Would You Bring to an Underwater “Spaceship”?

Challenge: Draw a picture of what YOU think the next underwater habitat should look like! Will it be like Aquarius? Or the International Space Station (but underwater)? Or will you come up with something incrediby new and amazing? Fabien wants to know! With your parent’s permission, upload it to to Twitter and/or Instagram and tag… Continue Reading Episode Challenge 7– What Would You Bring to an Underwater “Spaceship”?

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Episode 6: How Do You Live in Space?

Meet the Scientist:  Cady Coleman, Astronaut   Cady Coleman is a scientist, wife, mother, pilot, musician, retired NASA Astronaut, and a veteran of two Space Shuttle missions and a six-month trip aboard the International Space Station (ISS). As a public speaker, Cady draws from her time in NASA and her missions on the ISS to… Continue Reading Episode 6: How Do You Live in Space?

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Episode 3: How Do We Restore Our Connection to Water?

Meet the Scientist:  Dr. Kelsey Leonard  As a water scientist and protector, Kelsey Leonard seeks to establish Indigenous traditions of water conservation as the foundation for international water policy-making. Dr. Kelsey Leonard represents the Shinnecock Nation on the Mid-Atlantic Committee on the Ocean, which is charged with protecting America’s ocean ecosystems and coastlines. She also… Continue Reading Episode 3: How Do We Restore Our Connection to Water?

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Episode 2: How Do you Cut a Person in Half… Safely?

Meet the Expert:   Sue-Anne Webster Sue-Anne Webster is an internationally acclaimed magician, and ASTOUNDING! Sue-Anne’s work in magic led to her being profiled in the world dictionary of magic ~ Dictionnaire de la Prestidigitation, alongside Houdini, Copperfield and Orson Welles. Sue-Anne and her magic are the inspiration for the character of the magician Phyllis Wong… Continue Reading Episode 2: How Do you Cut a Person in Half… Safely?

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Episode 1: How Do You Map an Underwater Forest?

Meet the Scientist: Brian Helmuth Brian Helmuth, PhD., is an aquanaut and marine environmental scientist at Northeastern University who loves to spend his time diving and exploring the ocean as he studies the effects of climate change on bodies of water on our planet. Helmuth lab at Nahant Marine Science Center   ********************************************************************************************************************************* CHALLENGE: Make… Continue Reading Episode 1: How Do You Map an Underwater Forest?

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