Meet the Expert: Wendy Collinson, Road Ecologist
Wendy Collinson works in South Africa for an organization called the Endangered Wildlife Trust and is the manager of the Wildlife and Transport Programme. She studies the effects that transport has on wildlife and how we can prevent it. Wendy is continuing to motivate for further research to be undertaken that examines the impacts of roads in South Africa, and is liaising with South African institutions regarding the design of future projects. This body of knowledge will lead into the development and planning decisions of future road design, which will lessen the impact of roads on South African fauna and flora.
Learn more about the Endangered Wildlife Trust, where Wendy works HERE

Photo credit: Henri Cormont, RWS
What is an animal crossing?
Take a look at this grass-covered bridge that allows animals to avoid crossing the dangerous highways below. Isn’t it cool? and also practical?
Listen to Wendy chat about how to protect animals in Africa
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Highlighted book for this episode!
Crossings: Extraordinary Structures for Extraordinary Animals
by Katy S. Duffield (Author), Mike Orodán (Illustrator)– Beach Lane Books
This powerful nonfiction picture book explores wildlife crossings around the world and how they are helping save thousands of animals every day.
Around the world, bridges, tunnels, and highways are constantly being built to help people get from one place to another. But what happens when construction spreads over, under, across, and through animal habitats? Thankfully, groups of concerned citizens, scientists, engineers, and construction crews have come together to create wildlife crossings to help keep animals safe.
Book List:
How Do Wildlife Crossings Save Animals? by Clara MacCarald (Capstone Press)
Something Rotten: A Fresh Look at Roadkill by Heather L. Montgomery (Author), Kevin O’Malley (Illustrator)– Bloomsbury Publishing
Camp Panda: Helping Cubs Return to the Wild by Catherine Thimmesh (HMH Books for Young Readers)
Deforestation and Habitat Loss by Jaime Simmons (Powerkids Press)