Meet the Expert: Jason Chin, Award-winning author/illustrator of science books for children

His book, Grand Canyon is an excellent example of this. As you can see, the images of the canyon are amazing, and yet underneath, he has information about the science involved in creating the canyon.

copyright Jason Chin (Grand Canyon, Roaring Brook Press)

copyright Jason Chin (Your Place in the Universe, Neal Porter Books)

copyright Jason Chin (Your Place in the Universe, Neal Porter Books)
Go outside and find a bit of science interests you. Now draw it.
Be sure to add things into your picture that can’t be conveyed in words. Use your art to illustrate the science!
With your parents permission, send us your picture via email at OR
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If you send in your challenge OR just leave a comment below about the episode, you will be entered into a giveaway to win a FREE copy of the book listed on below.
Highlighted book for this Episode!
Your Place in the Universe by Jason Chin (Neal Porter Books)
With crisp illustration and intriguing science, Your Place in the Universe introduces readers to the mind-boggling scale of the known Universe.
Most eight-year-olds are about five times as tall as this book . . . but only half as tall as an ostrich, which is half as tall as a giraffe . . . twenty times smaller than a California Redwood! How do they compare to the tallest buildings? To Mt. Everest? To stars, galaxy clusters, and . . . the universe?
Book List:
Dr. E’s Super Stellar Solar System: Massive Mountains! Supersize Storms! Alien Atmospheres! by Bethany Ehlmann (Author), Jennifer Swanson (Author) (NGKids Books)
Science Comics: Solar System: Our Place in Space by Rosemary Mosco (Author), Jon Chad (Illustrator) (First Second Books)
Gravity by Jason Chin (Author, Illustrator) (Roaring Brook Press)
Grand Canyon by Jason Chin (Author, Illustrator) (Roaring Brook Press)