Meet the Expert: Dr. Loree Griff Burns scientist/children’s author
Loree writes true stories for curious people of all ages and she believes deeply in the twin joys of following one’s passion and finding one’s voice. Her books for children have won many accolades, including American Library Association Notable designations, a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book Award, an IRA Children’s Book Award, a Green Earth Book Award, and two Science Books & Films (SB&F) Prizes. Her essays for adults have been published in magazines like Yankee and honored in journals like Flyway.
Before any of these exciting things happened, however, she was into horses. Really into horses. Since she grew up in an apartment just outside of Boston, and since there was barely enough room there for her two hamsters (Laverne and Shirley) and two gerbils (Lenny and Squiggy), her horsey experiences were limited entirely to books like The Black Stallion and Misty of Chincoteague. What she learned in these books fueled her original career plans: to become either a jockey or a veterinarian. But then she took a mind-blowing biology class at Everett High School (thank you, Mr. Micarelli!) … and changed her plans completely.
Loree studied biology at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts, and creative writing at Bay Path University. She writes in central New England, where she and her husband, Gerry, raised three children, and where they now garden, tend chickens, and keep bees. She moonlights regularly in elementary, middle/high school, undergraduate, and graduate classrooms, sharing stories of science and the craft of writing. She likes to think that one day she’ll fill the big, old barn in her yard with horses.Find more about Loree and ALL of her amazing books on her website:

Rosy Maple Moth by Loree Griffin Burns

Cecropia moth by Ellen Harasimowocz
Luna moth by Loree Griffin Burns
For more AWESOME images of moths, please see Ellen Harasimowocz portfolio HERE
Check out the flora and fauna in your own neighborhood.
Quietly observe what you see, write it down in a journal, or draw in your notebook.
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Highlighted book for this episode!
You’re Invited to a Moth Ball: A Nighttime Insect Celebration
Loree Griffin Burns (Author) Ellen Harasimowicz (Illustrator)
Kids are usually asleep when moths come out at night. But discovering the diverse moth population is simple–stay up late and set up a party for moths! Nature centers and museums host events called moth balls each summer, but kids can create their own right at home. Captivating photographs show how to lure in moths to study them. Direct address to the reader shows kids the magic of science found at home.aa
Book List:
The Backyard Bug Book for Kids: Storybook, Insect Facts, and Activities by Lauren Davidson
Bug Identification Log Book For Kids: Bug Activity Journal, Insect Hunting Book, Insect Collecting Journal, Backyard Bug Book, Kids Nature Notebook by Teresa Rother
The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer
Beastly Bionics: Rad Robots, Brilliant Biomimicry, and Incredible Inventions Inspired by Nature by Jennifer Swanson